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Editorial: Virtual Space

Over the past year, many of us have been working almost exclusively from home, collaborating remotely with colleagues. After work, much of our socializing has…

Editorial: Documenting the Win

Architects and designers love to receive awards. And why not? They honour the top accomplishments and best buildings of the profession, creating an occasion for…

Editorial: Site Unseen

As Canadian cities slipped in and out of lockdowns over the past year, architecture firms have been periodically turning to virtual site visits to limit…

Editorial: Acting on Equity

Equity, diversity and inclusion have come to the foreground as issues of central importance in the past months. Architectural organizations are beginning to…

Editorial: Pandemic Pulse

How are architects faring as we head into the second wave of the pandemic? Two surveys in late August—one by the Ontario Association of Architects, the other…

Editorial: Crafting a Jewel

In 2004, the cover of the Canadian Architect awards issue featured a drawing of the nine-sided Bahá’í Temple of South America, a design by Hariri Pontarini…

Editorial: Generation Gap

This month’s issue reports on the state of architecture across Canada. It’s based on interviews with almost 50 architects, from firms of different sizes and…