Architecture + Design Film Festival returns to Winnipeg

The 13th annual Architecture + Design Film Festival (A+DFF) is returning to Winnipeg, Manitoba, from March 20 to 24, 2024.

Photo credit: WAF

The 13th annual Architecture + Design Film Festival (A+DFF) is returning this month to Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The festival presents critically acclaimed films focusing on the importance of architecture and design in everyday life and will cover a range of topics from architecture and urban design to graphics and product design.

A+DFF is the only Canadian film festival that is devoted solely to architecture and design. This year, the event will feature a special fundraising screening of Deco Dawson’s Diaspora at the West End Cultural Centre (WECC) with funds going to support Ukraine.

Additionally, it will feature two World Premiers from Spain and Canadian Premiers from the UK and Italy.

“Each year we look for films from around the world that are not available on streaming services or local theatres. Not only do the films educate us about buildings, landscapes and their designers. They allow us to enjoy armchair travel to India, Africa, Europe and learn about a diversity of places and designers,” says the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation (WAF).

This year’s festival will also feature screenings of films including Where We Grow Older, The Making of Icons: The Untold Story of Canada’s Largest Theatre & Mural, Charlotte’s Castle, The Red Corridor, and more.

The screenings will take place across multiple venues including Dave Barber Cinematheque, Manitoba Association of Architects / Winnipeg Architecture Foundation (MAA + WAF), Millennium Library and West End Cultural Centre.

All tickets may be purchased in advance at Dave Barber Cinematheque.

For more information about the program, click here.