Architecture + Itinérance: Pratiques inclusives pour une ville solidaire
By Sarahlou Wagner-Lapierre, Élizabeth Prince, Véronic Lapalme, and Sonia Blank;…
TEXT Elsa Lam with Kelly Edzerza-Bapty, Dr. David Fortin, Tiffany Shaw, Dr. Patrick Stewart, and Alfred Waugh
In the past few years, there has been an…
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the nature of work has shifted in Canada. This shift has affected how the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada…
The Symposium focused on Indigenous representation, narratives, and collaborations, with sessions related to two themes: Making Room for New Indigenous Voices…
Amidst the diversity of emergent narratives on culture and identity, I’ve been thinking about my own experiences with architecture, as a Chinese-Canadian…
In January 2021, workplace people and culture consultancy Framework Leadership conducted a survey on workplace culture, leadership and inclusion within Canadian…
Writing about modernism in colonial contexts, architectural historian Gwendolyn Wright proposes that “the physical environment became a strategy for enforcing…
This past year and a half, the pandemic revealed racial and social equity shortcomings in our cities. Anxieties and fears around virus transmission were…
Beginning my career as an architect in Canada, my worldview of gender roles within the workplace took on a distinctly North American perspective. I joined B+H…
What efforts are being made to address systemic racism in Canada’s architecture schools? School of Architecture Director Anne Bordeleau reports on the progress…
Ten years ago, on my first day of architecture school, I walked into a lecture hall filled with Apple laptops—something I could not afford—and felt an…
Equity, diversity and inclusion have come to the foreground as issues of central importance in the past months. Architectural organizations are beginning to…
The RAIC is calling for volunteer members to serve on its new Promoting Equity & Justice Advisory Committee.
The focus of the advisory committee is to…
How are architects faring as we head into the second wave of the pandemic? Two surveys in late August—one by the Ontario Association of Architects, the other…
I am an architect in Toronto, and one of the founding partners at studioDOM Architects. I am also a woman of colour who understands the courage it takes to be…