Canada’s LTC can become a seamless, human-centered system that helps senior citizens get the care they need.
Sarah Tranum, OCAD University…
How can we design spaces that will support the health of local communities in a meaningful way? As architects and designers behind civic facilities, we have the…
The past year saw a bonanza of new books of interest to Canadian architects—many of them authored by Canadian designers. As the holidays approach, we offer…
This winter, the community at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, where I studied in the 1990s, is mourning influential Professor Emeritus…
In some awards competitions, a group of submissions stands out clearly from the beginning. In others—including this year’s Canadian Architect Awards—arriving at…
Every year Canada is given a rare opportunity to present our best creative talent to the world. Each year are lucky to be one of only 30 permanent pavilions in…
We had so much fun creating a gift guide last year, that we've decided to do it again. Here's our round-up of nice things made by Canadian designers—many of…
Slow Disturbance: Infrastructural Mediation on the Settler Colonial Resource Frontier
Duke University Press, 2021
REVIEW Lola Sheppard and Mason White
Icebergs, Zombies, and the Ultra Thin: Architecture and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century
By Matthew Soules. Princeton Architectural Press, 2021
In 2020, a design competition kicked off in Ottawa to reinvigorate an oft-forgotten portion of Parliament Hill. Block 2—the city block directly facing…
The Symposium focused on Indigenous representation, narratives, and collaborations, with sessions related to two themes: Making Room for New Indigenous Voices…