Book Launch: Architecture, Ethics and the Personhood of Place
The University Press of New England and the editor, Gregory Caicco, invite you to the launch of Architecture, Ethics and the Personhood of Place, a compendium of new work in the field of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and the built environment. Essays included are by: Richard Kearney, Alberto Prez-Gmez, Juhani Pallasmaa, Karsten Harries, Edward Casey, Susan Stewart, David Abram, Stacy Alaimo, Jace and Laura Weaver, Philip Sheldrake, and Sebnem Yucel Young.
The book launch takes place on Thursday, September 13, 2007 from 7:30 pm to 9:00pm in the first-floor Exhibition Room at the McGill University School of Architecture, Macdonald-Harrington Building, 815 Sherbrooke Street West in Montreal.
This launch takes place during the opening reception for the international conference Reconciling Poetics and Ethics in Architecture, which runs from September 13 -15, 2007 and which is sponsored by McGill University and the Canadian Centre for Architecture. The full program can be found here:
The book launch will be preceded by an opening address to the conference by one of the book’s contributing authors, Alberto Prez-Gmez, entitled, Architectural Longing after Ethics and Aesthetics. You are free to attend this opening address, which takes place in the same building, Room G-10, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The launch will be joined by the launch of another book: Chora 5, the fifth volume of Chora: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture, edited by Alberto Prez-Gmez and Stephen Parcell and published by McGill-Queens University Press. An exhibition of the work of the McGill History and Theory of Architecture Graduate Studio 2007, entitled A Cabinet of Curious Things will also be on display.
Wine and hors doeuvres will be served. Books will be available at a discounted price.
For more information on Architecture, Ethics and the Personhood of Place, please visit