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Light, Air and View

Ongoing experimentation in plan and section distinguish a series of Modern housing projects from the norm.

Modern Living

Housing for veterans in Montreal continues the Modernist ideal of rationally planned, airy, brightly-lit housing.

Digital Disappointments

An assessment of electronic resources for architects sends our reviewer running back to Banister Fletcher's printed pages.

Vital Signs in Garbage City

Contemporary Japanese architecture proposes a promising fusion of conceptual rigour, programmatic inventiveness, and environmental consciousness.

Living Large in Small Spaces

The conversion of a speculative one-bedroom unit forms the basis for an illuminating case study on the possibilities of apartment design.

Out with the Mould

Mould in buildings can cause health problems, but can be easily controlled by avoiding the build-up of moisture.

House in Tokyo by Kazuyo Sejima

Sejima, a dedicated minimalist in the Miesian tradition, oversees an international practice while maintaining a hectic schedule of lecturing, jurying for design…

Rocket Architecture

Form follows rocket science at the 1957 Fort Churchill Rocket Range in northern Manitoba.

Friendly Giant

A telecommunications giant creates an innovative workplace rich in amenities and opportunities for spontaneous interaction.

Collegial Think Tank

The new Canadian headquarters of an international consulting company combine collegial workspaces and refined public areas in a dignified campus setting.