Laval University Students Receive COTE Top Ten Awards

Two student groups from Laval University are among the winners of the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment, and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s 2019–2020 COTE Top Ten for Students Awards.

Audrey Rochon, Anton Zakharov, and Melaine Niget received recognition for their Copain, Copain? project, as well as Marie-Hélène Cliché, Michael Comtois, and Étienne Vigneau’s for their Matriochkas design.

The competition recognizes 10 exceptional studio projects that work toward achieving carbon-neutral operations through daylighting, passive heating and cooling systems, sustainable materials, water conservation, energy generation, and other sustainable systems.

The program challenged students to submit projects that use a thoroughly integrated approach to architecture, natural systems, and technology to provide design solutions that protect and enhance the environment.

Copain, Copain?
Students: Audrey Rochon, Anton Zakharov, and Melaine Niget
School: Laval University
Faculty Sponsors: Claude Demers and André Potvin

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Jury Comments: Copain, Copain? Is unique – demonstrating the potentials of the COTE measures by adding an addition driven by local building knowledge. It is an addition to an existing primary school with intriguing sustainable concepts and fascinating outdoor connections. The buildings constructive process is graphically well presented, producing a new community symbol of sustainability. The low energy design, ideal for extreme cold climates, is imaginatively showcased in this graphically compelling winning project.

Students: Marie-Hélène Cliché, Michael Comtois, and Étienne Vigneau
School: Laval University
Faculty Sponsors: Claude Demers and André Potvin

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Jury Comments: Matriochkas conveys a compelling design for children and learning using a prefabricated construction technology with a clear sustainable approach. The projects convincing structure opens the outdoors, physically, creating a positive learning environment. The students presented their designs with clear graphics and reveals the projects innovation and environmental methods in great detail.

— Jury comments courtesy of