The Symposium focused on Indigenous representation, narratives, and collaborations, with sessions related to two themes: Making Room for New Indigenous Voices…
Amidst the diversity of emergent narratives on culture and identity, I’ve been thinking about my own experiences with architecture, as a Chinese-Canadian…
In January 2021, workplace people and culture consultancy Framework Leadership conducted a survey on workplace culture, leadership and inclusion within Canadian…
This past year and a half, the pandemic revealed racial and social equity shortcomings in our cities. Anxieties and fears around virus transmission were…
When Cornelia Hahn Oberlander passed away this May, Canada lost a trailblazing landscape architect and a dear friend. Always a step ahead—and a quick step…
In celebration of pride month, the Toronto Society of Architects is presenting TSA Exchange | Inclusion in Construction this Thursday, June 24, from 5-6:30 pm…
To write about a building you cannot visit is a daunting task. When I took on this assignment amid a global pandemic and in an emergency stay-at-home order in…
Developers, contractors, unions, associations, and workers are uniting in a growing coalition supporting the Toronto Declaration of Inclusive Workplaces &…
The School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) at the University of Calgary has announced the winners of an international design ideas competition at…
What efforts are being made to address systemic racism in Canada’s architecture schools? School of Architecture Director Anne Bordeleau reports on the progress…
Ten years ago, on my first day of architecture school, I walked into a lecture hall filled with Apple laptops—something I could not afford—and felt an…