Ecohouse Student Design Competition 2008
The international student competition invites designs for an ecohouse of 120 square metres for up to six persons on a plot of 200 square metres in Oxford, England. It will be launched at the forthcoming Ecobuild by the Concrete Centre, in conjunction with the Architectural Press and Teachers in Architecture.
The designs should take full account of how to reduce energy needs for heating, cooling and lighting, the use of passive sustainability techniques, and the use of local construction materials and renewable energy sources. In addition, the homes must be designed to be robust and resilient and last until at least the end of this century and through an age of increasingly extreme weather events. Whilst taking account of all of these criteria, the homes must also be designed for comfort and lifestyle flexibility.
3,500 will be awarded as follows: 1st Prize 2000; 2nd Prize 1000; 3rd Prize 500.
Registration is compulsory, and the submission deadline is June 24, 2008. Judging will take place in early July and winners notified within three working days. Winning and highly commended candidates will be invited to a prize-giving which will take place on July 22-23, 2008 at the Oxford Conference: Resetting the Agenda for Architectural Education.
For more information, please visit