CCA opens submissions for 2019 Emerging Curator program

Aiming to continuously rethink and re-examine the scope and the boundaries of “curating architecture,” the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) solicits ideas for projects that take innovative curatorial approaches and experimental formats.

The CCA is now accepting applications for the 2019 Emerging Curator program. Photo by Alexander Winter via Wikimedia Commons.
The CCA is now accepting applications for the 2019 Emerging Curator program. Photo by Alexander Winter via Wikimedia Commons.

The Emerging Curator program offers the opportunity to propose and curate a project at the CCA related to contemporary debates in architecture, urban issues, landscape design, and cultural and social dynamics. The project is to be developed during a residency of three months at the CCA.

The CCA encourages a wide range of proposals for curatorial projects with a broad scope. Proposals must bring an innovative curatorial model to the contemporary discourse on architecture. The CCA seeks proposals that use the curatorial project as a tool to foster ideas, to question relevant positions, to introduce new research themes, and to critique current modalities, with the ultimate goal of advancing new thinking for architecture and the built environment. Particular attention will be given to projects that intend to locate the discourse of architecture within a broader context across disciplines and practices.

The output of the proposal may follow many trajectories, and the result may be as varied as an editorial project, a program of seminars and research colloquiums, a series of public events or workshops, the production of visual content to be explored through the web and social media, or a physical or virtual exhibition. Interdisciplinary and collaborative practices are encouraged.

The selected candidate will become acquainted with the CCA’s institutional knowledge and vision, explore the institution’s resources and the collection holdings, and apply her/his curatorial direction to develop the proposed project. The CCA will provide guidance towards the project’s realization in accordance with the curatorial direction of the institution.

The residency should take place between September 2019 and May 2020 and can be divided into several sessions. The project should be completed by fall 2020.

The deadline for applications is 1 March 2019.

More information about the Emerging Curator program is available via the official CCA website, linked here.