Moshe Safdie and Associates has been selected by the U.S. General Services Administration to design the new Federal Courthouse in Mobile, Alabama. Under the…
The beginning of construction for the first building for the University of Ontario Institute of Technology will be marked in a ceremony this week. Located about…
This year's Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) housing awards theme focussed on affordable housing innovations. This is the seventh time the…
Boris E. Zerafa, who passed away November 2 from a drawn out illness, was one of Canada's most prominent architects. Zerafa moved to Canada after training as…
The 21st annual ceremony for Urban Design Awards to projects in the city of Mississauga, Ontario were held this week to honour six outstanding projects in the…
The new Peabody Essex Museum is adding to its campus a new building designed by Moshe Safdie. The new wing is a major part of the $125 million transformation of…
It is estimated that three-quarters of the world's AIDS population lives in Sub-Saharan Africa; most have no access to lifesaving drugs, testing facilities or…
"Body Movies," an interactive artwork by Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, has earned its creator a First Prize at the International Awards issued at the…
Two professors at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design have been named as separate finalists in a major international…
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) has announced that it will establish a museum of Islamic art and heritage and a cultural center devoted to the study and…