OAA accepting nominations for 2019 service awards
The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) is now accepting nominations for the following Service Awards — G. Randy Roberts Service Award and the Honour Roll.
G. Randy Robert Service Award
The G. Randy Robert Service Award recognizes an OAA member for extraordinary service to the membership and the Honour Roll recognizes prominent members of the architectural profession who are now deceased.
The qualities or actions which may be recognized by the award include:
- Responsiveness to and communication with OAA members on behalf of the OAA
- Grassroots involvement with members
- Care, compassion, integrity, enthusiasm and a sense of humour
- Examples – Society leadership, councillor, committee member, spearheading or engaging in an activity (in or outside of the OAA & Societies) that benefited the members of the profession, such as effective lobbying for the profession, public representation, etc.
Honour Roll
Recognizing prominent members of the architectural profession who are now deceased; a record of achievement is presented to a relative and displayed at the OAA.
The nominee must be an Ontario architect, now deceased, that meets at least one of the following criteria:
the quality of the architect’s work and contribution to Ontario’s architectural heritage must be significant; or
the architect must have had significant influence on professional colleagues through design, education, professional development, community development, publication or other significant activity.
Help the OAA recognize dedicated, talented individuals who demonstrate or have demonstrated exceptional leadership / service to the profession or the community.
More information about the G. Randy Robert Service Award and the 2019 Honour Roll are available via the OAA’s official website, linked here. Entry forms for both service awards are also available via the link.