Ottawa Art Gallery hosts free National Urban Design Awards lecture

The public is invited to a free evening of awards presentation and public lecture featuring the 12 recipients of the 2018 National Urban Design Awards from nine communities across Canada. Each recipient will give a four-minute presentation followed by a question and answer period. These awards reflect a range of ideas about reclaiming and enhancing public space while addressing challenges such as urban density, environmental sustainability, and affordability. The National Urban Design Awards lecture will take place on January 7, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at the Ottawa Art Gallery.

Ottawa Art Gallery, RAIC, National Urban Design Awards
The newly expanded Ottawa Art Gallery hosts the free ceremony and lecture on January 7. Photo by Adrien Williams.

The 12 projects receiving 2018 National Urban Design Awards reflect a range of ideas about reclaiming and enhancing public space while addressing challenges such as urban density, environmental sustainability, and affordability. On January 7, the awards will be presented at the Ottawa Art Gallery in conjunction with the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism Forum Lecture Series.

The National Urban Design Awards is a biennial Canadian awards program established by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, the Canadian Institute of Planners and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects in 2006. The program showcases excellence in urban design, raises public awareness of the role of urban design in sustainability and quality of life in Canadian cities, and recognizes the contributions of individuals, organizations, firms, and projects.

The awards are part of a two-tier program held in cooperation with Canadian municipalities, in which the National Urban Design Awards jury evaluates winners of the 2017 municipal awards and entries submitted at large.

Our full list of the National Urban Design Award winners is available here. More information about January 7th’s free public lecture and ceremony can also be found via the RAIC at this link. The January 7 event is co-sponsored by the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA).