University of Waterloo architecture graduate Michaela MacLeod is the winner of the Canada Council for the Arts Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging…
On Monday, March 19, 2007, join architect, historian and writer Marco Polo for a digital slide presentation of some of the projects of the 17 Canadian Prix de…
Coach House Books is pleased to announce the publication of The Prix de Rome in Architecture: A Retrospective. Edited by former Canadian Architect editor Marco…
University of Manitoba architecture graduate Michael Acht will have the opportunity to research the architecture of Portugal, Switzerland and Germany as the…
The Canada Council for the Arts has awarded the Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture to Eric Bunge of nARCHITECTS. Thanks to the prize, Mr. Bunge,…
University of Waterloo architecture graduate Taymoore Balbaa will have an unprecedented opportunity to research the architecture of Spain and Egypt as the first…
This installation project by Andrew King and Angela Silver runs from October 15 to November 13 at the Stride Gallery in Calgary, and explores the relation…
As part of Artcity 2004, the Arttalk Symposium has invited architects and designers working in various scales and media of art and architecture to speak on…
The Canada Council for the Arts has announced changes to the Prix de Rome in Architecture, to begin this year. A new Prix de Rome for Emerging Practitioners…
Calgary designer Andrew King is the recipient of the 2003 Prix de Rome, the Canada Council has announced. Mr. King was selected by an independent assessment…
The Canada Council for the Arts has announced today the creation of a policy insupport of architecture, which has been in the process of being designed for two…
109 Street Gateway Art Project. "No. 23," a three-storey soundscape sculpture designed by ID8 Design Group's Marc Boutin, Dave Goulden and Tony Leong was…