Dedication of Liberian Learning Centre Marks Milestone in Educational Transformation

The Canadian-funded and -designed Liberian Learning Centre is set to be officially dedicated later this month in Paynesville, Liberia.

Rendering: Liberian Learning Centre

The Liberian Learning Centre is set to be officially dedicated on February 23, 2024, in Paynesville, Liberia.

This complex will mark a milestone in the people of Liberia’s journeys toward educational revitalization. The project will eventually consist of three facilities designed to reshape the educational landscape of the region and provide access to learning resources for more than 250,000 community members.

The Liberian Learning Center is led by the Canadian charity Empowerment Squared, founded by Executive Director Leo Nupolu Johnson. Born in Liberia, Johnson lived through almost 10 years of civil war before fleeing the country and spending eight years living in refugee camps in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana before resettling in Canada in 2006.

The project is being built in multiple phases on the site of Paynesville City Hall and will include Liberia’s first postwar learning center and library, co-working and business incubation spaces, sports and recreation facilities, and event facilities.

Phase 1 is set to host a variety of programs such as information literacy, educational programming, computer training, life skills, personal and career path development, and peer-to-peer mentorship.

Hamilton-based architects mcCallumSather have been leading the design process since its inception over 10 years ago. Principal architect, Willems Ransom, has taken a thoughtful approach to designing all elements of the project.

“We have a commitment to environmental consciousness, ensuring the Liberian Learning Centre becomes a sustainable and vibrant hub for generations to come. The visionary leadership of Leo Nupolu Johnson and the collaboration between all partners have laid the foundation for this transformative initiative,” said Ransom.

Every space has been crafted to cater to a range of programs and activities. The children’s reading room was strategically placed in the northern section and creates an atmosphere of vibrant learning. Serene and quiet areas for focused concentration are located at the southern part.

Study rooms and offices have also been strategically placed for focused learning. The central circulation desk lies at the heart of the center, designed to be highly visible and create a sense of engagement and warmth for those who enter.

Open public areas are protected by large wooden overhangs which promote natural ventilation and daylight and contribute to the sustainability of the facility. The construction materials have been locally sourced.

Tri Buchanan Development Corporation, led by Partner and Managing Director Bleejay Innis, a Liberian native with international expertise, is overseeing the construction.

The dedication ceremony February 23 will symbolize the start of a new era for education in Liberia. Mayor Pam Belcher-Taylor, Bleejay Innis, Leo Nupolu Johnson, Willems Ransom will be in attendance to mark this occasion, with other representatives from Empowerment Squared.

Generous financial contributions of donors have funded the majority of Phase 1 construction costs. Phase 2, the envisioned safe and well-equipped indoor recreation facility, will require continued support to become a reality.

As of October 2023, $1.5 million Canadian is needed to complete all three phases of the Liberian Learning Center, as well as to fund the initial programming activities of Phase 1.