Following a slew of teaser clips featuring none other than Pedro Pascal as Detective Tom Rockford, Metacore has opened the doors to the real-life Merge Mansion, inviting Pascal and a host of other celebrities and VIPs. This wasn’t just a fancy shindig though. No, this, as is always the case in Merge Mansion, was another opportunity to glean more information about Grandma Ursula and her devious plans.
Described as “part live-action theatre, part escape room, and part lore museum”, Metacore held the real-life Merge Mansion event at the Paramour Estate in Los Angeles. A Hollywood location needs Hollywood stars, with attendees including Mr Pascal, of course, as well as Pretty Little Liars’ Ashley Benson and Grey’s Anatomy’s Jesse Williams.
In an interview with Pascal, the Last of Us actor shared his experience at the real-life Merge Mansion, saying “it was real fantasy fulfilment, in terms of getting to immerse yourself into an experience, especially if you love mystery. I just can’t believe this kind of **** wasn’t around when I was a kid.” It’s strong words there from Pascal, though admittedly, that’s exactly what I think I’d be saying if I found myself searching for clues relating to Grandma Ursula’s twisted secrets.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the Merge Mansion event is set to stick around for access to the general public. Still, with all the new updates to the mobile title, and the doors of the in-game Boulton Mansion finally opening up, there are plenty of mysteries for you to busy yourself with solving. Still, there might be some follow-up content to shed a little extra light, with YouTubers like MatPat (of The Game Theorists game) and The Ghoul Boys in attendance.
The real-life Merge Mansion event is just the latest in a long line of innovative advertising from Metacore. If you’re interested in why Merge Mansions takes this approach, you’re not the only one, but we recently tried to find some answers in our piece asking why are mobile game ads so weird. Either way, with this immersive experience, it doesn’t look like we’re stepping away from the peculiarity of Merge Mansion any time soon.
There you have it, all you need to know about the real-life Merge Mansion event with Pedro Pascal and various other Hollywood celebrities in attendance. For some in-game tips and tricks, check out our Merge Mansion mosaic guide and Merge Mansion cheats.