Apex Legends tier list – the best picks for Switch and mobile

Pick the best ranking characters with the help of our Apex Legends tier list, then kit them out with the best weapons from our Apex Legends gun tier list.

Apex Legends tier list: A man with grey hair wearing red sunglasses and standing in front of a blue war banner.

So, you’re trying out Apex Legends, or Apex Legends Mobile? You’ll need to know which legends and weapons are the top of the top if you want to keep up with the game’s ever-changing meta. That’s where we come in. We’ve put together this Apex Legends tier list for the current season, so you know exactly who are the best legends, and what are the top guns to pick. But remember, we maintain that you’re best off using what you’re comfortable with and what you enjoy – if your favorite weapon is the P2020 and your favorite character is Mirage, who are we to stop you (though, you might not win many matches).

Of course, if you want to learn more about the Legends themselves, you should check out our Apex Legends characters list. We also have a handy guide to both the current Apex Legends season, and the latest Apex Legends patch notes, so you can keep up to date with all the latest news.

Whether you want to have fun in public matches or climb the Apex Legends ranks, here are our picks in the form of an Apex Legends tier list.

Apex Legends tier list

Tier Apex Legends character
S Ash, Bloodhound, Octane, Newcastle
A Wraith, Lifeline, Seer, Valkyrie, Vantage, Maggie
B Pathfinder, Horizon, Wattson, Rampart, Loba, Gibraltar
C Caustic, Revenant, Bangalore, Crypto, Fuse
D Mirage

Apex Legends Mobile tier list

With the stars of Apex Legends now on mobile, we’ve put together a tier list for the eleven characters currently available. While we can be sure of most of them, we’re still a little in the dark when it comes to Fade, as we’ve had little playtime with the mobile-exclusive character. Of course, as more characters make the leap from console to Apex Legends Mobile, we’ll be sure to update this list. 

Tier Apex Legends character
S Bloodhound, Crypto, Bangalore
A Fade, Loba, Caustic, Rhapsody
B Wraith, Revenant, Ash, Wattson, Gibraltar
C Octane, Pathfinder, Lifeline
D Mirage

Apex Legends gun tier lists

The G7 Scout in Apex Legends

Apex Legends best assault rifles

Tier Apex Legends weapon
S R-301 Carbine
A G7 Scout
B VK-47 Flatline, 30-30 Repeater, Hemlok

The Devotion from Apex Legends

Apex Legends best LMGs

Tier Apex Legends weapon
S M600 Spitfire, Rampage
A L-Star
B Devotion

The Wingman from Apex Legends

Apex Legends best pistols

Tier Apex Legends weapon
A Wingman
C RE-45 Auto
D P2020

The Mastiff shotgun in Apex Legends

Apex Legends best shotguns

Tier Apex Legends weapon
A Peacekeeper
B EVA-8 Auto
C Mastiff
D Mozambique

The R99 in Apex Legends

Apex Legends best SMGs

Tier Apex Legends weapon
S Alternator
A Prowler, R-99, Volt
B Alternator SMG

The Kraber in Apex Legends

Apex Legends best snipers

Tier Apex Legends weapon
S Kraber
B Charge Rifle, Longbow
C Sentinel

If you’re all Apex-ed out, then why not check out our list of the best mobile multiplayer games to find something new to play?