British Columbia (UNBC) has a public mandate to be a leader in high-performing buildings and innovative wood projects. Working with UNBC, our design team at…
In late 2014, the webzine was humming with speculation over who might occupy the retail site located diagonally across from Dundas Square on the…
In recent years, Calgary has built a large number of multi-purpose recreation and community centres, typically in partnership with a multitude of agencies. The…
Roadways and railways carve long, sharp cuts through the vast Canadian landscape and are often the only mark of modern human occupation. For Vancouver-based…
At its annual installation site at the Reford Gardens/Jardins de Métis, the International Garden Festival is presenting seven new landscape designs that build…
The new UBC Aquatic Centre is more than just a swimming pool: it’s a device for viewing the shifting architectural landscape at the University of British…
Love it or hate it, no-one in Montreal can ignore the new Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal—the CHUM. It is gargantuan, all three million square…