Award of Merit The Parti Wall "This exploration of space and materials is just the kind of thing that is good to see in small-scale residential work."
Award of Merit John Innes Community Recreation Centre "A masterful use of heavy timber in a well-tailored community building."
Award of Merit Dawes Road Library & Community Hub "This well-resolved neighbourhood library building explicitly wears its commitment to reconciliation on its sleeve."
Award of Merit Indigenous House "A new form of architecture consciously emerges from the landscape and looks to Indigenous precedents, and it works well."
Award of Merit Inuusirvik Community Wellness Hub "The building section pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in Northern public buildings."
Award of Merit El Aleph – Main House "This project was much discussed as a model for architecture’s responsibility to fragile landscapes."
Student Award of Excellence Toronto’s Terrestrial Reefs "The research process evidenced a wonderful kind of multi-disciplinary process."
Student Award of Excellence Kushirikiana Architectural Guide "This is an incredible project—the kind that’s usually done by a big firm of people, rather than a single student."
Student Award of Excellence The Third Space "I liked how these drawings were very unconventional, and appreciated the process of exploration to think about third space differently."
Photo Award of Excellence CAPO "I find this image to be calming, suggestive of space and light beyond the frame."
Photo Award of Excellence Creating the Landmark Project: Structural Framework "The fine tonality of the columns is contrasted against excavated earth."
Award of Excellence Blatchford District Energy Sharing System Sewage Heat Exchange “Very good architecture gives more than expected in bringing a solution to a challenge."