Planning continues for the relocation of Ontario Science Centre to Ontario Place, and we may expect to see continued environmental destruction at Ontario Place…
Fewer exhibitions, missing feature zones, decimated education areas: a new science centre at Ontario Place would be a shadow of the current Ontario Science…
The documents issued by the government on July 11 point to known issues and minor problems that can be easily resolved, providing further evidence of a…
The $50-$100 M it will cost to demolish and set up a temporary location for the Science Centre would more than cover the $30 M needed in repairs for the next…
Two figures have been cited by the Ontario Government: $478 million and $369 million. The actual number is much less—around $200 million, or just $24 million…
The time required to set up a temporary location will mean that there is no Science Centre location for two years; the RFP also reveals that a new Science…
A deep dive into the engineers' report suggests that the building’s key exhibition areas could continue to operate safely—even if the Ontario government chooses…