The delicate dance that occurs among collaborators when tackling a design problem is a balance of ideas, communication and ego. Innovation can be sparked with a…
It has been nearly a year since most people have gone into the office. Boxing Day deals were not the same without the crowds, and meeting at the coffee shop is…
Over the past year, DIALOG have been designing a prototype for a supertall zero-carbon hybrid timber tower; we’re calling it the Beacon of Hope. At 105 stories,…
Any infection control strategy can be compared to Swiss cheese. A single strategy is like a single barrier, full of holes. A number of slices of defences…
What efforts are being made to address systemic racism in Canada’s architecture schools? School of Architecture Director Anne Bordeleau reports on the progress…
Ten years ago, on my first day of architecture school, I walked into a lecture hall filled with Apple laptops—something I could not afford—and felt an…
Space and Anti-Space: The Fabric of Place, City and Architecture
By Barbara Littenberg and Steven Peterson (ORO Editions, 2020).
“I regard the revival…
TEXT Eric A. Charron and Randy Van Straaten
Heritage masonry buildings make up a large portion of Canada’s urban structures—from the historic warehouses in…
Blueprint for a Hack
By Vikram Bhatt, David Harlander and Susane Havelka (Actar Publishers, 2020).
Blueprint for a Hack describes a five-day project that took…
Last May, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum started the Pandemic Objects blog, and later mounted a physical exhibition of the same name. The project reflects…
Equity, diversity and inclusion have come to the foreground as issues of central importance in the past months. Architectural organizations are beginning to…